Famous Dietitian in Tricity

Famous Dietitian in Tricity – The best atta for a healthy life

Which Approach Is Ideal For A Healthy Life? Good eating, exercise, and a regular sleep routine are three areas where a person should not skimp when trying to live a healthy life.

Best dietitian in Tricity

There are numerous causes for why people’s health is poor. Today’s population leads an unhealthy lifestyle, which is primarily due to our poor eating habits.

You can observe the effects of healthy eating on your lifestyle for yourself. Which Atta Is Best For A Healthy Life is discussed here by the best Dietitain in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha.

The best atta for a healthy life

Several people will advise you to quit eating Rotis if you wish to reduce weight. A major source of carbohydrates in India is atta. But the reality is completely different.

Many flours are sold on the market that aid in weight loss. Fatigue, constipation, and difficulty breathing are just a few of the problems that a lack of carbohydrates in the body can bring on.

In order to achieve the goals your body has set for itself, carbs must be a part of your diet.

You can include atta in your diet as carbs. But if you want a healthy body, you should look for healthy flour or atta.

If you want to lose weight, you must choose one with few carbohydrates because it won’t give your body extra carbs but will provide the nutrients it needs to produce energy or last all day.

Best dietitian in Chandigarh – Dietitian Neha 

A healthy life’s best atta

Bajra atta to lose weight

Kuttu ka atta, or buckwheat flour
Oatmeal atta
Inte Raggi
Almond meal

Bajra atta to lose weight

Bajra atta is excellent for shedding pounds. It is gluten-free flour and high in protein. It contains iron, fibre, magnesium, and a variety of other minerals that help improve someone’s general health. Bajra also helps with weight loss by preventing long-lasting satiety and preventing overeating.

nutrient content in bajra atta

Contains in each 100g serving of bajra

12g proteins

1 g of fibre
Potassium: 242 mg

Kuttu ka atta, or buckwheat flour

During celebrations and fasting, this flour is used. It is one of the best attas for weight loss, though. It is really beneficial for losing weight. It contains good carbs, which are essential for a healthy body. It has fibre, carbs, and protein. Also, it contains higher polyphenols (antioxidants), which makes it the ideal option for diabetics. It can also be a part of your diet plan for losing weight.

Nutritional Value of Kuttu Ka Atta

One hundred grammes of buckwheat flour

335 kilocalories.
10g of dietary fibre

Oatmeal atta

Carbohydrates abound in oat atta. They give forth energy continuously. Its low glycemic index, which is most crucial, will keep your blood sugar under control. The same health advantages as the other flour alternatives are also present with oat flour, often known as atta. This atta might be a part of a healthy diet plan that you follow. For those trying to reduce weight, this atta is excellent.

Oats’ Nutritional Value Atta (Per Cups)

553.5 kilocalories
20.1g of protein per cup
90g carbs
Fats: 12.5g

Inte Raggi

In many other African nations as well as southern India, ragi atta is a staple food. This atta aids with weight reduction. Quinoa is a fantastic source of calcium and is abundant in fibre, making it a grain of wonder for weight loss. For those who have diabetes, it is excellent. If you have diabetes, dietitians and doctors recommend eating this meal. Further advantages of ragi include its high iron content, ability to lower cholesterol, improvement of digestion and lactation in women.

Value in Nutrition of Ragi Atta

Ragi weighs 119 grammes.

455 calories
13 grammes of protein

Almond meal

Losing weight is made easy using almond flour. This flour will produce outstanding results. Contrarily, almond atta or flour has a low glycemic index (GI) and is very nutrient-dense, including calcium, magnesium, fibre, and vitamin E. The caloric content of this atta is likewise incredibly low. If you want to have a healthy body, this atta is unquestionably the best choice for you.

Value of Nutrients in Almond Atta (Per Cup)

Energy: 163 kcal
6.1g of protein
5.6g of carbohydrates
Fat: 14.2g                                                                  9g of beneficial monosaturated fats

The top nutritious flours that you can include in your diet are those that have been previously stated.

For a healthy body, they are a fantastic supply of carbs. Test them out for yourself to see the results.


After reading the blog in its entirety, you are now aware of healthy attas or flours that include the proper amount of calories and carbs. These are all fantastic for a healthy physique. They are also edible in everyday life. Best dietitian Neha, a nutritionist  offers food recommendations. Also, she adds these flours in accordance with your needs. Click here to contact her if you’d like. She can provide you with additional guidance on all the crucial details.

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