Best dietitian in Tricity –6 Simple Migraine Diet Strategies to Decrease Pain
An strong migraine episode can spoil an entire day or even a week. You may have to manage it as a chronic condition for the majority of your life. The hallmark symptom of this condition is a throbbing headache, although other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Hence, it is natural to think that if you do experience migraines, you’ll want to take the best available measures to reduce them. A migraine diet may be helpful. Today we will come across the various symptoms causes and do’s and dont’s for migraine patients by the famous dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha.

Describe the migraine.
In India, 23 million people suffer from migraines. The most well-known symptom is throbbing head pain, although other symptoms can include exhaustion, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Food may be the furthest thing from your mind when a migraine strikes. It turns out that some meals can relieve other typical symptoms as well as the agony of a migraine.
A simple migraine diet
We have compiled a list of scrumptious and nutritious meals that are high in the vitamins and minerals needed to fend off migraines. Also, we have provided advice on how to create a better overall migraine diet, including things to eat and stay away from. At the conclusion, we compiled a list of “eat this, not that” suggestions to wrap it all up.
Many studies have been conducted on the relationship between particular meals and migraines. The findings are typically categorised into groups like pain-safe foods that never cause headaches and typical triggers that frequently result in headaches. The rest can be anywhere in the centre, and not every diet option will be suitable for you.
It is always a good idea to keep track of what you eat and how it affects you because some triggers will have an impact on you while others won’t.
To better understand how to treat your migraines, you can track and identify trigger foods and activities using a daily activity journal. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that it can take several months before you see a noticeable improvement after cutting out particular meals.
Don’t forget that while modifying your diet can help you lessen migraine episodes and general pain, it won’t guarantee that you won’t get migraines again.
1. Take more water.
One of the most typical migraine triggers is dehydration. The body needs water to function correctly and stay healthy. We frequently overlook the fact that we aren’t drinking as much water as we ought to because of the abundance of sugary beverages and juices. If you prefer anything other than plain old water to drink, try herbal tea or decaf coffee, both of which include a high percentage of water and are low in calories and sugar.
2. Consume extra beneficial fats
There are significant advantages to including certain of them in your migraine diet, even if some people still believe that the word “fat” is negative. Migraines can be greatly reduced by omega-3 fatty acids, which are mostly present in fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, and salmon. Another excellent source of healthful fat is olive oil. In most recipes, monounsaturated fats can be a healthy replacement and be equally as good as omega-3s. They appear to shorten migraines’ frequency, intensity, and length, according to research. To start noticing some beneficial improvements, make sure to add in a healthy dose a few times per week.
3. Increase your intake of magnesium.
You should include magnesium in your diet if you suffer from migraines. Energy levels can be raised, anxiety can be reduced, and digestive problems can be eased. Moreover, it has been demonstrated to lessen and prevent migraines of all kinds. Because they are rich in magnesium and other necessary elements, try including spinach, quinoa, and whole grains in your diet. Magnesium supplements are a good alternative if you struggle to fit in.
4. Remember to take your riboflavin.
Riboflavin, also referred to as vitamin B2, has been demonstrated to reduce migraine occurrence. When taken regularly, 400 mg of it can cut migraines by up to 50%, according to research. Increasing the intake of B2 can increase energy levels because it is necessary for the creation of metabolic energy. You can get to 400 mg by adding foods high in vitamin B2, such as quinoa or asparagus.
5. Create a migraine diet plan by identifying your trigger foods.
The daily activity log will be most helpful in this situation. As everyone reacts to food differently, it can be helpful to start your diet over with a focus on largely secure items. You can gradually introduce foods you enjoy to check if they are the source of headaches because trigger foods often take two days to start triggering headaches once more.
There is no single migraine diet that is appropriate for everyone, thus caution should be urged while making dietary changes. It’s advised to have a diet that is balanced. Avoid missing meals because it might have detrimental effects and make migraines worse.
A migraine diet
standard migraine triggers
Here is a list of well-known trigger foods; if you decide to include any of these in your diet, use caution.
Alcohol: A little bit normally doesn’t cause any issues, but for most people, some alcoholic beverages, such red wine or beer, can act as quite strong triggers. If you drink, be sure to also drink a lot of water because alcohol might dehydrate you.
Aspartame: This artificial sweetener is frequently used in yoghurt, low-calorie desserts, and diet beverages.
Watch out for additives in various foods, such as yeast extract, sodium caseinate, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Nitrates: Nitrates are a preservative that also gives meat products taste. The most typical places to find nitrates in food are in foods that have been smoked, cured, pickled, or canned. In particular, a significant quantity of this is frequently discovered in deli meats, hotdogs, sausages, and jerky.
The two amino acids tyramine and phenylethylamine are the most typical dietary causes for headaches. Due to the high quantity of these amino acids in chocolate, aged cheese, nuts, and soy products, caution should be exercised when consuming them.
For a migraine diet, consume this and avoid that.
Finally, we wish you enjoyment as you adopt these enjoyable dietary adjustments to improve your migraine diet and discover relief.
fresh oranges for breakfast in place of
You might believe that starting your day with a lot of citrus fruit is a good idea, but for certain people, citrus can act as a trigger. Also, the additional acid isn’t helping a migraine-induced upset stomach.
Consider cooked fruit like pears or cherries.
Tart cherry constituents help reduce inflammation, especially the kind that might aggravate a migraine. Cooked cherries or pears can assist you in achieving your daily recommended intake of fruit without making your pain worse when combined with some overnight oats, chia seeds, and rice milk.
in place of: Items made with wheat flour
Wheat-based meals, such as crackers, bread, and pasta, can sometimes cause migraine headaches in some migraine sufferers or make them worse. For those who are sensitive to it, wheat can also lead to digestive issues. If nausea is one of your migraine symptoms, you definitely don’t want that.
Consider oat- or rice-based items.
In the past ten years, gluten-free food has advanced significantly. The days of mushy pasta, dry muffins, crumbly bread, and hard crackers are over. Pastas made from rice are particularly well tolerated by migraine sufferers, possibly as a result of the high magnesium and niacin content. Brown rice is a mainstay of the elimination diet, which is frequently advised to migraineurs in order to identify triggers.
Oats in general and oat flour in particular make a great, gentle diet for unsettled tummies that sometimes accompany migraines. Oats are an excellent way to start the day on a migraine diet.
Rather than: Coffee
The effects of caffeine and coffee are strongly contested topics. A little caffeine seems to ease the discomfort of light headaches, but it is frequently known that caffeine triggers migraines when it comes to a migraine diet. Yet, if you require a caffeine boost in the morning to simply get up, you can find yourself taking a chance and hoping that this time it won’t be a trigger.
Attempt green tea (and others)
Indeed, green tea has caffeine, but it also contains additional substances that may lessen migraine discomfort. Combine it with ginger, skullcap, and feverfew to make a morning beverage that combats nausea as well as other migraine symptoms. Caffeine is typically consumed in the morning, thus completely cutting it out could result in headaches. Green tea can help ease the transition and relieve pain at the same time. Replace your typical cup of coffee with it.
substitution: Soy products
You’ve definitely tried a plant-based diet as a migraine sufferer to aid with the symptoms. But, you discover that soy causes headaches equally as much as a big, juicy burger. What do you do to get protein then?
Try: Any types of beans and nuts
Soy products can make headaches worse if your migraines are brought on by hormonal changes. Moreover, soy products are processed to the point of being generally unhealthy. Choose a variety of beans in place of soy for your protein requirements. Protein and magnesium, a migraine-fighting element that many Americans are weak in, can be found in beans like navy beans, pinto beans, lima beans, and kidney beans as well as nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
Beans have an almost limitless number of culinary possibilities and are inexpensive, adaptable, and delicious. Soy or beef won’t be missed.
Rather than: Raw veggies
Fresh, raw vegetables look more and more enticing as summer approaches. It seems logical that when the days get warm, we prefer to cool ourselves by avoiding the kitchen and utilising the farmer’s market’s abundance. However many fresh fruits and vegetables, such as corn, tomatoes, onions, apples, and bananas, can also cause migraine headache, in addition to the triggering effects of greater temperatures and a rising barometer. Choosing between alleviating migraine discomfort and reaping the health benefits of veggies might be a catch-22.
Attempt: steamed veggies
Although some medical professionals dispute the notion that specific veggies might cause headaches, if they annoy you, avoid them and opt instead for meals like leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes that have never been connected to migraines. Antioxidants abound in these plants, which may also have anti-inflammatory properties. To preserve their nutrition and keep your home cool in the summer, steam or softly roast them on the grill.
In place of: Yogurt or ice cream
A huge bowl of ice cream or frozen yoghurt is the epitome of summer, yet dairy and sugar can cause migraines and make them much worse. Does it merit the effort?
Take a look at mango berry “lovely cream”
These days, the majority of the dairy-free “lovely cream” recipes available online use coconut milk and bananas, two things you should avoid if you suffer from migraines. With no additional sugar, this mango berry lovely cream is sweet and rich. Summer is when berries are at their best. You may enjoy this delicacy all year long if you first freeze them on biscuit sheets. After that, place them in measuring bags so you can quickly consume something frozen whenever the mood strikes!
A pain doctor can discuss your treatment options with you if you feel like you need more targeted assistance with your migraines.
For more information contact best Dietitian in Tricity , dietitian Neha or log in to our website