Famous Dietitian in Mohali

Indian Diet Plan For Stroke Patients That Works

The majority of modern lifestyle disorders are not caused by lifestyle choices, but rather by compromises. Instead of taking the time to organise our meals, we opt for quick and easy solutions. It’s interesting to note that a recent study found that white rice, bread, spaghetti, noodles, pickles, bottled drinks, and other fast meals were ingested by the majority of stroke patients in India. While it is believed that diabetes and hypertension are the main risk factors for stroke, irregular eating habits and lack of exercise may be the real causes.

Best Dietitian in Tricity

Famous dietitian in Mohali , Dietitian Neha will tell you about the diet one should follow .

A diet that is higher in carbohydrates can cause diabetes mellitus. Similar to this, dietary saturated fat consumption is linked to an increased risk of stroke death. Increasing your salt intake and eating more red meat might raise your blood pressure. On the other hand, people who maintained a healthy weight, ate more total and mono-saturated fats, ate green and yellow vegetables, and had active lifestyles showed a lower risk of stroke.

The fatty components of food transform into cholesterol, which leads to fatty deposits in the arteries and reduces blood flow to the brain. Therefore, adopting a diet high in excellent proteins, fruits, and vegetables, low in fat and sodium, will aid in reducing the risk of stroke. A stroke survivor must arrange his meals to prevent triggers for another stroke.


To prepare an Indian diet plan for stroke, follow these 5 tips:

Be responsible when choosing your carbohydrate sources. more whole grains to consume You must select at least half of your options from these. High fibre foods like brown rice and whole wheat couscous can lower cholesterol. Sugar consumption needs to be reduced as well in order to control the risk factors.

The key is moderation: By include a balanced serving of grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and dairy on your plate, you can include a range of nutrients. Every day, you should eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Salads are only as nutritious as their dressings, so watch what you put on them. It can be detrimental to add excessive amounts of mayo and bacon to your bowl of vegetables. Change to olive oil, apple cider vinegar, non-fat cottage cheese, etc. to reduce the quantity of saturated fat in your dressings.

You can contact Best Dietitian, Dietitian Neha for health tips.

Reduce sodium intake, not only salt: The majority of packaged foods contain a lot of sodium. So before purchasing anything, it would be wise to study the label. Change from using canned and frozen replacements to fresh meals. Aim for a daily sodium intake of no more than 1500 mg.

Stock up on minerals that can lower your risk of stroke, such as potassium, omega 3, vitamin B3, coenzyme Q10, and lycopene. These can be found in everyday foods like bananas, fish, oats, yoghurt, tomatoes, apples, and so forth.

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