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 Best dietitian in Tricity  –Conscious Eating

The self-calming eating activity is mindful eating. As it encourages people to live more consciously and develops skills that can help prevent chronic pain, illnesses, sadness, anxiety, and sleeping problems, mindful eating is thought to have a favourable impact on physical health. Additionally, evidence suggests that it is effective in treating obesity.

Best Dietitian in Tricity

Best dietitian in Tricity , Dietitain Neha will guide you how to eat and what to eat.

Mindful eating entails being aware of our food and the reason we are consuming it.
Its primary goal is to appreciate the meal and its flavours rather than only lose weight.
In order to enjoy the eating experience, mindful eating often involves paying attention to our physical sensations such as hunger, satisfaction, and cues to stop eating.

What mindful eating entails:

Eating slowly to appreciate flavours. Savoring the smell, taste, and texture of food.
Eating without feeling guilty
Understanding hunger, fullness, satisfaction, and yearning signs.
Avoiding distractions when eating, such as the phone and the TV.

How to incorporate mindful eating into your life:

Decide for yourself if you are hungry or full. When your body tells you to, eat.

Simply because it is lunchtime or dinnertime, people frequently eat even when they are not particularly hungry. Eating past the point of fullness can result in excessive food consumption and weight gain.

Use small plates to help you eat less and more mindfully. Eating on small plates and using small utensils can help you do this. We eat less when we see less. Using smaller plates can help you regulate your portion sizes.

Making smaller versions of dishes like cutlets, cheelas, and chapati helps with portion management.

No need to consume all food from plates. Sometimes when we are eating, even if there is still food on the plate, we feel satisfied.

People often eat until they are full, which can result in overeating. It’s completely acceptable to leave food on the plate when you’re satisfied; you may store it as leftovers and eat it later.

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – Dietitian  Neha 

In order to prevent yourself from feeling bad about indulging in unhealthy foods, try to stock your refrigerator and cupboards with healthy food options, fruits, and snacks.

The most crucial mindful eating method is to eat slowly. Eat carefully and chew each bite of food as many times as you can. Don’t rush your meal. You can better appreciate the taste, flavour, and texture of food if you eat slowly. It also facilitates simple food digestion.

Pay attention to your food. Try to avoid using digital devices like your phone, TV, or laptop while you’re eating. Never attempt to multitask. Never eat dinner in bed or anywhere else; always dine at the table.

Eat well-balanced meals that are beneficial to your overall health. Include turmeric, aloe vera, black pepper, ginger, tulsi, prebiotics, probiotics, aloe vera, and many more foods in your diet. These are useful for increasing immunity.

The self-calming eating activity is mindful eating. As it encourages people to live more consciously and develops skills that can help prevent chronic pain, illnesses, sadness, anxiety, and sleeping problems, mindful eating is thought to have a favourable impact on physical health. Additionally, evidence suggests that it is effective in treating obesity.
Mindful eating entails being aware of our food and the reason we are consuming it.
Its primary goal is to appreciate the meal and its flavours rather than only lose weight.
In order to enjoy the eating experience, mindful eating often involves paying attention to our physical sensations such as hunger, satisfaction, and cues to stop eating.

What mindful eating entails:

Eating slowly to appreciate flavours. Savoring the smell, taste, and texture of food.
Eating without feeling guilty
Understanding hunger, fullness, satisfaction, and yearning signs.
Avoiding distractions when eating, such as the phone and the TV.

For more information contact best dietitian in Mohali , Dietitian Neha and log in to our website

Best dietitian in Mohali 

Best dietitian in Mohali  – Breast Cancer Symptoms And Signs

Breast cancer is a type of cancer in which the breast’s cells proliferate uncontrollably. Both men and women are affected ( very rare).
Different people experience different signs and symptoms.
Every woman has to be aware of the warning signs of breast cancer in order to catch it early and begin treatment.

Best Dietitian in Tricity

Best dietitian in Mohali, Dietitian Neha will guide you about the various symptoms of disease .

In the breast or underarm region, lumps can grow that are asymmetrical. The most noticeable indicator of breast cancer is a lump. They may be supple or robust. These lumps are often painless and might be stationary or mobile. When compared to other breast tissues, these tumours feel distinct.

Pain: It is usual to experience pain in the breast area, which could be brought on by wearing the improper bra or the start of a monthly cycle. However, if discomfort persists for longer than two weeks, a doctor should be consulted as it may be an alarming indicator of breast cancer.

Breast cancer may be present if your breasts seem red in colour and feel warm to the touch.

Nipple Discharge: If your nipple is discharge-producing but you are not lactating or nursing, this could be a concerning indicator of breast cancer. The early stages of breast cancer are indicated by these symptoms.

Skin with Dimples: In this case, the skin resembles an orange peel. It is a typical indicator of aggressive breast cancer. It might irritate people.

Visible Veins: If you notice veins on your breast, this may indicate malignancy and has to be investigated.

Swollen Lymph Node: Cancer can occasionally spread to lymph nodes, causing them to swell and become hard. Typically, it appears as a lump or swelling beneath your armpits.

Breast Size Change: Breast cancer may be to blame if you notice a rapid change in the size of one of your breasts.

Nipple Turns Inverted: These symptoms are extremely obvious. Rather than projecting outwards, the nipples are drawn within the breasts.

You can contact the best dietitian in Tricity, Dietitian Neha for more information or log in to our website

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – Foods to eat and stay away from if you have a cough

You may already be aware that eating the appropriate foods can cure half of the illnesses that impact our immune systems. The common cold is one of these illnesses. Even if it’s not thought to be lethal, it nonetheless interferes with our daily lives. For instance, you might suddenly start coughing constantly while in a silent meeting. You feel quite uncomfortable as all eyes turn to you.

Top Dietitian in Chandigarh

Fortunately, there are several foods that you may eat to avoid such circumstances or to treat that persistent cough. Certain foods are bursting with qualities that aid to strengthen the immune system.

Best Nutritionist in Tricity – Dietitian Neha will tell you today about the foods one has to consume if you have a cold and a cough

chicken broth

It is the ideal food to eat when you have a cold because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It is the simplest way to get all the vital nutrients the body needs, including calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals. When you are ill, your body needs hydration and electrolytes. A bowl of hot chicken soup will help to clear your nose and clear your nasal passages.

citrus foods

Getting enough vitamin C is the greatest method to prevent colds. You won’t be able to totally avoid the cold, though, the reality is. You don’t feel like eating or drinking anything when you have a cold. Having oranges, lemons, and limes is another option for treating colds in these instances. The best thing, though? It tastes good too!

fighting germs

Foods with anti-bacterial properties include broccoli, kale, green tea, red onions, and blueberries. These have quercetin, an antioxidant that has been shown to be effective in treating the common cold. These are also loaded in fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Spicy & Hot!

Spicy meals help to loosen and remove mucus from the nasal passages. This aids in optimal breathing for you. A substance known as capsaicin is found in foods that are spicily hot, such chilli peppers. Eating spicy food may also help you to stop coughing up blood in your throat. However, if your stomach is already disturbed, avoid eating too much spice.


When your cough is in your throat, you feel sick to your stomach. When you have a cold, a cup of hot tea with some ginger is exactly what you need. Both the throat’s congestion and discomfort are relieved by it. Ginger, which is popular for its anti-nausea properties, also contains antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-cancer properties. If you feel like throwing up, take a slice of ginger and keep it in your mouth.


This stem vegetable is advantageous for improving health in general. One or two cloves of minced garlic added to chicken soup or broth enhance taste and help the body fight off cold and flu symptoms. This traditional treatment includes antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

Coconut liquid

When you have a cold and a cough, your body tends to become dehydrated. It’s crucial that you top off your water supply. Take sips of coconut water if you don’t feel like drinking boiling water. In addition to being sweet and tasty, it is also a good source of glucose and the electrolytes needed to ward against dangerous microorganisms.


When you’re unwell, doctors advise eating honey, especially if you have a sore throat brought on by a bacterial infection. Honey is well known for its antibacterial properties since it is a rich source of antimicrobial chemicals. To feel better, sip on a warm glass of milk, water, or tea mixed with half a spoonful of honey.


You don’t feel like eating anything while you’re unwell. Eat bananas to ensure that the body receives all the nutrients it needs. These are nutrient- and calorie-dense, and they also include soluble fibre, which keeps your bowels regular even when you’re unwell.

green vegetables with leaves

It’s crucial to consume all the vitamins and minerals when you’re ill. And eating a lot of green vegetables is the best way to get the necessary nutrients. An essential plant-based compound that protects cells from damage and lowers inflammation in the body is abundant in dark green vegetables. Even though lettuce is only a type of green vegetable like spinach, it is a great source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

For more information please contact best dietitian in Chandigarh , Dietitian Neha and log in to our website

Famous dietician in Mohali


You’ve already found the proper place; in this article, Best Dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha tell you the top 5 reasons why women struggle to lose weight. For all of us, losing weight is an incredibly difficult endeavour. For females, it may be harder due to a variety of variables. According to some studies, 50% of women and 45% of men are obese.

Best dietitian in Tricity

Obesity causes lifestyle diseases like diabetes, thyroid disorder, PCOD, heart disease, and cancer. It also causes low self-esteem, decreased confidence, and premature ageing. The basal metabolic rate, or how many calories your body burns while at rest, is often lower in women than in males because women tend to have more body fat and less muscle. The following are the reasons why it is more difficult for a woman to lose weight than a male if you are overweight but not obese.

The top 5 reasons why it is more difficult for women to lose weight

Nearly all women believe they need to lose weight, and despite making resolutions, dieting, and trying every new exercise programme available, their weight loss goals are unsuccessful. However, the question naturally arises.

Top Dietitian in Panchkula – Dietitian Neha

Why is it harder for women to lose weight?

The reasons are as follows:

1. An imbalance in hormones

This is one of the elements that is frequently disregarded and contributes to weight loss resistance and plateaus. Thyroid, high cortisol, and sex hormones are the three primary hormones in our bodies.

The first is the thyroid, a hormone that is essential for preserving a healthy weight. The main factor causing weight loss resistance is hypothyroidism, and for the thyroid hormone to function properly, particular minerals including selenium, zinc, iodine, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids are required.

The second is high cortisol, sometimes referred to as the stress hormone, which thwarts weight loss efforts. This fight-or-flight hormone increases your appetite, makes you need a lot of carbohydrates and sugar, and maintains belly fat where it belongs. Additionally, stress-reduction techniques including exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and talking to loved ones can all help lower cortisol levels.

Sex hormones – Because high amounts of either oestrogen or testosterone lead to weight gain, a sex hormone imbalance might make it difficult to reduce weight. Additionally, exercise enables you to regulate your sex hormone, which promotes muscular growth and weight loss.

2. Sleep Patterns

This is one of the five factors that make weight loss more difficult as you get older. According to several studies, people who get between 3.5 and 5.5 hours of sleep at night consume more calories than those who get between 7 and 10 hours. For the body to heal and work properly, sleep is crucial. You are more likely to gain weight when you don’t get enough sleep, and you also run the risk of getting chronic illnesses, anxiety, and irritation.

3. Emotion-Induced Eating

This is another typical explanation for why you aren’t losing weight. Emotional eating is the practise of eating in order to numb unpleasant feelings including stress, rage, anxiety, low self-esteem, boredom, sadness, or loneliness. Additionally, when you eat to relieve stress or boredom, whether consciously or unconsciously, it might lead to consuming foods high in fats and carbohydrates.

4. Effects of Pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, she also puts on extra weight and body fat. Additionally, it might be difficult for a new mother to find time to exercise in addition to getting enough sleep. She’ll require both to lose those extra pounds in addition to this. However. At this stage of life, nursing supports weight loss and calorie burning.

5. Being last in line

Women are famed for their ability to multitask; the difficult part is putting oneself first. Always putting their family first, women prepare children for school, pack lunches for their spouses and children, clean the house, and perform numerous other household tasks.

Because of this, they don’t have enough time to fully enjoy their meals, which causes them to eat mindlessly by consuming their kids’ leftovers. We can all agree that the morning is the busiest time of the day for housewives. They never eat breakfast and promote unhealthy snacking throughout the day.

For more information please contact the best Dietitain in Tricity, Dietitian Neha and log in to our website 

Top Dietitian in Chandigarh 

Top Dietitian in ChandigarhThe 13 Healthiest Foods for Growing Hair

Foods with a high nutritional content, such eggs, leafy greens, and fatty salmon, are some of the greatest for hair development. Nutritional deficiencies may have an impact on hair health.

Best dietitian in Tricity

Best Dietitian in Mohali, Dietitian Neha will help you in improving your hair problems.

What impact does nutritional malnutrition have on hair?

Many people desire thick, healthy hair, particularly as they age.

However, a variety of factors, including as age, general health, genetics, environmental exposure, drugs, and diet, affect how quickly it develops and how healthy it is.

Even while you have no control over some elements, such as age and heredity, your diet is probably one that you have greater control over.

The importance of vitamins and minerals in meals on hair

drugs, nutrition, and exposure to the environment.

Even while you have no control over some elements, such as age and heredity, your diet is probably one that you have greater control over.

The growth cycle of the hair follicle and cellular turnover are both significantly influenced by vitamins and minerals obtained from food.

Hair loss can result from eating a diet that is deficient in certain nutrients.

According to studies, nutritional deficits in iron, biotin, riboflavin, vitamins B12 and D, biotin, and other minerals are linked to hair loss.

If you’re balding because of a bad diet, eating a balanced diet rich in certain vitamins and minerals may help promote hair growth.

If you are balding as a result of inadequate nutrition, eating a balanced diet rich in certain vitamins and minerals may help encourage hair growth.
It’s a good idea to make sure you’re receiving enough of these 13 foods high in nutrients that help hair growth if you know the link between micronutrients and hair loss.


Protein and biotin, two elements necessary for hair growth, are both abundant in eggs.

consuming enough protein

Since protein makes up a large portion of hair follicles, eating enough protein is crucial for healthy hair growth. It has been demonstrated that a low protein diet might accelerate hair loss. Biotin pills are frequently advertised for hair growth since it is necessary for the synthesis of the protein keratin, which is found in hair. Additionally, studies have revealed that ingesting more biotin

Deficits in biotin are rare, though, provided you eat a healthy diet. There is little proof that those with mild or no health conditions gain anything from increasing their biotin intake. Additionally, ingesting a lot of biotin can affect the outcomes of tests used to identify and treat a variety of illnesses.

Biotin can skew test findings that are used to diagnose and treat a variety of illnesses.

Although it is unlikely that you would ingest too much biotin through food, several supplements for the growth of hair, skin, and nails do include more biotin than is advised daily.

selenium and other nutrients that are good for hair. They are therefore among the greatest foods to eat for healthy hair.


Berries are filled with healthy elements and vitamins that could promote hair growth.

Included in this is vitamin C, which has potent antioxidant qualities.

They are scrumptious, healthy, and offer a host of remarkable health advantages.


Spinach is a nutritious green vegetable that is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, folate, and other minerals that are essential for hair growth.

Large fish

Nutrients found in fatty fish like mackerel, herring, and salmon may encourage hair development.

They are great providers of omega-3 fatty acids, which research has shown to promote hair development.

The sweet potato

Beta-carotene is abundant in sweet potatoes. This substance is transformed by the body into vitamin A, which is associated with healthy hair.

A medium sweet potato’s (114 grammes) amount of beta carotene is sufficient to meet up to 160% of your daily vitamin A needs.

According to studies, vitamin A is crucial for hair growth. However, taking too much vitamin A can result in hair loss.


Avocados are scrumptious, healthful, and a fantastic source of good fats.

Additionally, they are a great source of vitamin E, which may promote hair development. 200 grammes of a medium avocado, or 28% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin E


Nuts are delicious, practical, and full of nutrients that are vital for healthy hair growth.

For instance, an astonishing 48% of your daily requirement of vitamin E is provided by an ounce (28 grammes) of almonds.


Seeds have a lot of nutrients and few calories. Numerous of these minerals are necessary for healthy hair development. Among these are vitamin E,

savoury peppers

Sweet peppers are a great source of vitamin C, which is high in antioxidants.


One of the best food sources of zinc is oysters. One medium oyster can satisfy up to 96% of a woman’s daily zinc needs and 75% of a man’s.

The mineral zinc supports the cycle of hair growth and restoration.


A wonderful plant-based source of protein that is necessary for the development of healthy hair is beans.

Beans, like oysters, are a good source of zinc, which supports the cycle of hair growth and repair. Black beans can supply up to 14% of a woman’s daily zinc requirements and 10% of a man’s in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving.


According to studies, certain substances in soybeans may encourage hair growth. Spermidine, which is one of these substances and is prevalent in soybeans,

For instance, a study of 100 individuals discovered that a nutritional supplement based on spermidine prolonged a phase of active


A common food in many people’s diets, meat is packed with nutrients that may promote hair growth.

Meat’s protein helps repair and strengthen hair follicles and promotes growth. The amount of protein in a cooked 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of sirloin steak is up to 29 grams.

For more information contact best nutritionist in Tricity, Dietitian Neha and log in to our website

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – Diet plans for Vertigo

Vertigo is a dizzy feeling that seems to be whirling. It is not a fear of heights, as many people maintain, and is not always associated with looking down from a high point. Instead, it can refer to any brief or persistent episodes of dizziness brought on by issues with the inner ear or brain.

Best dietitian in Tricity

Although vertigo can strike at any age, it strikes those 65 and older the most frequently. It could be short-term or ongoing.

Best dietitian in Tricity – Dietitian Neha 

Depending on the cause, vertigo comes in a variety of forms.

Paradoxical vertigo

It happens when there is an issue with the inner ear’s balancing organ.

central dizziness

It happens as a result of disruption in one or more sensory nerve pathways in the brain.

signs of dizziness




feeling queasy

Jerking or abnormal eye

worse outcomes



Seizures (rarely) (rarely)

a number of sclerosis

Tumors (cancerous or non-cancerous) (cancerous or non-cancerous)

Vertigo may also result from or be connected with:



ear surgery

a number of sclerosis

prolonged rest in bed

head trauma or injuries

adverse drug reaction

using particular medications

brain-stem or cerebellar disease

Vertigo diet recommendations

nutrients high in vitamin C

foods high in folic acid

Almonds, cayenne pepper, gooseberry and coriander seeds, lemongrass, and strawberries are foods that aid in the treatment of vertigo symptoms.

Contact best  Dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha  and log in to our website advice on how to treat the condition naturally.

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – More veggies of various types on the plate, more kids eating

Recent research suggests that rather than serving just one vegetable, it is preferable to offer a high plant diversity to encourage children’s taste for veggies. More kids eat when there are more types of veggies on the plate. Best Dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha will help you in each and every way.

Best dietitian in Mohali

Why it’s crucial

Kids typically don’t enjoy vegetables the most, especially when they’re prepared incorrectly, as is sometimes the case at the canteen. However, both short- and long-term excellent health depend on these foods. Therefore, consuming youngster is crucial. How can the most resistant consumers be made to consume?

All dieticians concur that this shouldn’t be done. It can be a clever technique to give a kid the freedom to choose what they want to eat. Repetition is key in getting the kids to try the various vegetables. However, a recent study might introduce them to a fresh batch of parents and teachers.

The research

According to a study giving your child a variety of veggies on the same plate as opposed to just one type could boost his overall consumption of vegetables. 35 families with kids between the ages of 5-7 were enlisted in order to get these outcomes.

For a period of five weeks, various groups of kids were given either a ration of several vegetables or a portion of a single vegetable at every meal. Children eat roughly the same amounts of veggies before the trial.

In actuality

There are various ways to encourage your youngster to like the vegetables over which they are pouting. Here are some suggestions, some of which you probably already use:

Invite your kid to the store or market where you do your grocery shopping. Educate him on how to choose vegetables and try to make it fun;

your kids in the kitchen. According to studies, it makes fruits and vegetables more appealing to them; Bet on the visual with crazy plates that will amuse your child (by drawing a scene, a person, or something else on the plate); Do not make your child consume these vegetables against their will. Never give up and continue exposing him to meals he dislikes until he decides to return.

The rest of the work will be handled as his taste develops.

More children consume the many veggies that are on their plates.

For more information contact best nutritionist in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha and log in to our website

Best Dietitian in Mohali

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – Dietitian Neha – List Of Foods High In Vitamin E For Skin & Hair – The whole health of our bodies depends on vitamin E. This is shown in lustrous, sparkling hair and vibrant, younger-looking skin. Additionally, this supports the body’s natural defences against illness and infection and promotes the maintenance of healthy skin and eyes. This post is specifically for you if you’re looking for a list of foods high in vitamin E for your skin and hair.

Best Dietitian in Tricity

Some foods, such as seeds, nuts, some vegetables, and some fortified goods, naturally contain vitamin E. Additionally, it is available as a dietary supplement. This vitamin is extremely important, and it is also a very potent oxidant. Many individuals are unsure of which foods are high in vitamin E for skin and hair because there are so many vitamin E dietary supplements available. Therefore, Best Nutritionist in Tricity , Dietitian Neha  made the list that is provided below for you.

Special Advantages Of Vitamin E

This could lessen oxidative stress indicators and,

strengthening antioxidant defences

This may lessen the risk factors for heart disease.

For people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, useful (NAFLD)

It could treat dysmenorrhea.

maybe advantageous to the health of the skin

favourable to cognitive health

It might help senior citizens.

Boost lung capacity

Skin Benefits of Vitamin E

Use of Vitamin E as a Moisturizer

This reverses the skin’s premature ageing symptoms.

Sunburns are cured by vitamin E.

It makes dark spots lighter

Cleaning Agent: Vitamin E

This Restores Dry Nails

Stretch marks can fade with the aid of this.

Cold Sores Are Healed by Vitamin E

Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair

Your skin and hair will benefit from vitamin E. Additionally, it thickens hair and promotes hair renewal. providing comfort for the scalp’s dryness and itching. In order to significantly reduce hair loss, it nourishes and unclogs the hair follicles.

As a Hair Stimulant, vitamin E

This stimulates hair growth.

Vitamin E Stops Early Gray Hair

This mends frayed edges.

Foods High In Vitamin E For Hair & Skin

As we all know, vitamin E is one of the most crucial nutrients our bodies require in order to function properly and to keep our immune systems resilient to bacteria and viruses. Leg cramps, dry skin, hair loss, and digestive issues are all more likely to occur if you don’t get enough vitamin E in your diet. As a result, the following list of the Top Vitamin E-Rich Foods For Healthy And Glowing Skin has been created by Best Dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha :


The oil from the tiny almond seeds, which are incredibly high in vitamin E, can greatly aid in preventing dry skin. Almond oil is helpful for your skin and hair if you have dry skin. Additionally, this is a fantastic source of biotin, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and other nutrients.


One of the Top Vitamin E-Rich Foods For Healthy Skin And Hair is avocado. This fruit is full of magnesium and vitamin E and is creamy and delicious. They are high in fibre, low in carbs, and full of carotenoids, according to research. With little over 4mg of Vitamin E per avocado, this is also high in Vitamin E.


One of The Best Foods for Healthy Skin and Hair is spinach. This has a wealth of beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E. Additionally, you may incorporate this into your diet as a salad.

Sunflower Seed

One of the best foods that are high in vitamin E is sunflower seeds. It has significant quantities of folate and vitamin E. Start include these tiny seeds in your regular meals if you suffer from hair loss and have dry skin to start seeing benefits. This prevents inflammation by having antioxidant qualities that combat free radicals.


One of the best sources of protein is broccoli, which is also high in vitamin E. It is a mild detox food with anti-cancer and bad cholesterol-lowering qualities. This is simple to incorporate into your everyday diet. Additionally, use it into your fried rice and pasta dishes.


The List Of Vitamin E Foods For Hair & Skin is provided here. We hope you find this material to be useful. You can treat your vitamin E deficiency with the use of all the foods listed. You can contact us if you would need any information about diets or diet foods. Best Dietitian in Chandigarh , Dietitian Neha is a skilled, devoted, and sociable professional. Get the greatest diet plans by clicking on for more information .

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh – Dietitian Neha  –People of all ages and both genders frequently experience the problem of snoring, which is noisy breathing while sleeping. Occasionally or every night, it might happen. Males and those who are overweight are those most at danger, yet both sexes continue to experience this issue.

Best dietitian in Tricity

Best Nutritionist in Panchkula, Dietitian Neha will help you in improving your all the health conditions.

As people age, their snoring gets worse and can interfere with their own sleep or their partner’s sleep. Additionally, it may result in a fragmented and unrefreshing night’s sleep, which affects how well you operate during the day.

Quick facts about snoring

More commonly than women, guys snore.

It is a widespread yet awful condition.

The uvula and soft palate vibrate as a result of the airway’s passage through turbulent air,

It might be connected to sleep apnea, a sign of excessive blood pressure and other medical issues.


daily headaches

difficulty paying attention

A sore throat when you wake up

excessive slumber during the day

breathing pauses when sleeping were observed

worse outcomes

Heart condition

issues with mental health

continual breathing pauses

low levels of oxygen in the blood

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases) (Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases)

Dietary advice for snorers

Use olive oil as opposed to saturated fats like butter.

White tea, green tea, and chamomile tea with honey and lemon are all linked to lessening congestion.

Avoid simple sugars so that your nasal passages can moisten the air before it enters your lungs. Simple sugars include sweets, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks.

Consult best Dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha  or leave a message at for advice on how to treat the condition naturally.

Best nutritionist in Chandigarh 

Best nutritionist in Chandigarh – Take care of your GUT to lose weight.

Although one of the most important contributors to a healthy body is our gut, we know relatively little about how it functions. It is among the most intricate, significant, and even amazing components of our body.

Best dietitian in Tricity

Your metabolism and how quickly your body turns food into energy are both greatly influenced by the bacteria in your gut. Numerous studies have demonstrated that what you eat has a significant impact on your gut microbiome, which in turn influences your immunity, aids in the removal of toxins from your body, and aids in weight loss.

What is already known about the role of good gut flora as discussed by the famous dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha 

so we must rule out any food allergies and avoid any irritant-causing foods.

Include entire fruits and veggies in your diet.

Eat foods high in fibre.

Prebiotics and probiotics should be a part of your diet.

Best Dietitian in Panchkula, Dietitian Neha

What you don’t know is as follows


Increase your intake of glutamine: Glutamine is an amino acid that aids in the development of the gut’s interior lining. Our gut lining’s cells consume glutamine, which helps to improve dysbiosis. Your gut health can be enhanced by taking as little as 10 grammes of glutamine each day. Beans, beets, spinach, tofu, cabbage, and peas are some examples of foods you can eat. Chicken and fish are examples of non-vegetarian sources.

Adaptable Starch:

A carbohydrate called resistant starch ferments in the large intestine while defying digestion in the small intestine. Since resistant starch is metabolised in the large intestine, it functions as a prebiotic and promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms. Other advantages of resistant starch include a feeling of satiety, aids in preventing constipation, and lessens gastrointestinal problems.

There are numerous varieties of resistant starch; some foods, such as green bananas and plantains, white beans, and whole grains like oats and barley, contain them naturally.

Like cooked and cooled rice and potatoes, several types of resistant starch are produced throughout the cooking and cooling process. Consider preparing them the day before and letting them cool completely before using. They can be reheated since resistant starch is not diminished while reheating. Oats that have been soaked over night are another option to include resistant starch in your diet.

EPA and DHA:

Numerous studies have demonstrated how the gut microbiome and omega 3 fatty acids interact favourably. According to studies, omega 3 can reverse dysbiosis by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids aid in lowering oxidative stress and inflammation along the gut lining. Fish (particularly salmon) and fish oil are foods high in omega 3. For vegetarians, you can use flaxseeds that have been ground or milled, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and tofu.

Supplementing with zinc:

The growth and metabolism of cells depend on zinc. Zinc Carnosine, which is obtained from zinc supplements, provides protective properties and enhances the integrity of the small intestine’s mucosa. Studies have demonstrated that it aids in enhancing the good bacteria in your stomach. Foods like seeds and nuts, particularly cashews, chickpeas, watermelon seeds, and dark chocolate are good sources of zinc. Include fish, oysters, and shellfish in your diet if you’re not a vegetarian.

Try these suggestions to maintain a healthy weight and gut as it is recommended by the dietitian in Chandigarh, Dietitian Neha .

For more information log in to our website